Even though it is almost four in the morning and I am sitting here with cramps my Sunday was a really good day. Eric had to go to DC to see a patient but he makes the effort to wake up early so he can go and be back in time to go to church together and then have an uninterrupted afternoon. I woke up right on time and was getting ready and it was a good hair day and a good face day and a good outfit day. I love it when all three combine on the same day. While I was eating breakfast I read the First Presidency message from the April Ensign. President Erying had a great idea to keep thoughts focused during the Sacrament. Eric got home in time to head to church and we were on time!! On the way to church "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" came on Pandora. I have yet to hear a version of that song that I am not a huge fan of. Then in Sacrament meeting we sang "How Great Thou Art", "How Firm a Foundation", and "Oh My Father". In general I am not a big music person but today the music was speaking to my soul. I had to stop singing multiple times because I was getting chocked up. The rest of the day continued in that fashion- a lot of peace and contentment.
The end of last week was a little hard due to the craziness of PMS which can trigger some pretty gloomy days for me so to have such a rejuvenating Sabbath was a wonderful blessing and a great way to start the week.
awesome! I'm glad you had such a good day (and sorry it was followed by a crummy Monday).